Saturday, May 1, 2021

Happy May Day


image found on the web

The Victorians were fond of celebrating May Day.

Dancing around a May pole was popular for May Day; the Maypole was a tall pole erected in the middle of a clearing, decorated with flowers and long ribbons attached to the top.  Different age groups – especially children and the young adults – danced in specific patterns, each holding the end of a ribbon, and wove the ribbons in a pattern around the pole as they danced round and round. The May pole dance celebrated youth, fertility, and the changing of the seasons.


  1. Our 6th grade teacher had us dance the May Dance around the May Pole. We practiced it once - got all tangled up, but when it came to the performance for our parents/guests we did it right. Lovely pattern on the pole after we'd finished the dance.

  2. Happy May Day! We used a May Pole to celebrate when the kids were little. Nice photo choice :)

  3. Happy May Day, Darla. I remember when I was very young, the town where I lived had a May Day pole. The young children like myself were supposed to dance around it. Your May pole looks fantastic. Ours, not so much!

  4. Happy May Day to you, too! :)

  5. We used to dance around the maypole at school. I don't think kids do it anymore, at least not in the city. A shame, it was fun.
