Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sunday Morning 4/9/23


Happy Easter

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.  We will be heading to the river soon.  Spring should be showing some colors there.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Tea Stands for Tuesday 4/4/23

 The sun is shining and it is time to join Elizabeth for the first tea party in April.

(internet photo)

I'm currently drinking coffee in a mug you've seen too often,  If I were drinking tea I'd like it in one of these cups.  Perhaps not the middle one.  When I look at it I see two eyes peeking over the cup underneath.  Ok.  Maybe I need to get off the caffeine, Lol

walnuts from our property

We have a really big old walnut tree on our river property.  One of the neighbors said he'd harvest all the nuts for us if he could keep half.  I thought that was a good deal.  Little did I know he was going to shell them and give me beautiful walnut halves.  We got this jar full plus a gallon bag more.  I gave the  bag of them to my daughter.

candied walnuts

I made candied walnuts for the first time.  They were delicious;  One batch used  3 cups of walnuts so I may go through that jar quicker than I think.

What would you do with so many walnuts?

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Second on the Second 4/2/23

 Good morning friends.  Elizabeth has invited us to bring an old post back for a second look.  Here is one of mine from 2015.  I can no longer take long walks and I miss it.   To see what others are sharing check here.

From 2015:

By now everyone knows I go out walking every morning.  Walking gives me lots of time to think, to look, to imagine.  Here are a few things that caught my eye on a recent walk.

I like shabby old fences.  I particularly like the points on these pickets.  I wonder why those vertical parts are pickets.  Anyone know?

This planter bed is in a commercial part of my walk.   I like the texture and imagine someone placing all those pieces of stone just so.  Another question.  What kind of stones are they?  The word "shale" comes to mind but I really haven't a clue.  Do you?

I spotted these very colorful animal figures in a window I was passing.  Hard to capture just how bright the colors were, too much glare on the window.  The shop carries a mixture of items, many imported.  I wonder what the country of origin was for these,

Last but not least I stopped at my favorite coffee shop to buy a pound of beans.  When you buy beans they give you a free cup of coffee.  Usually I drink my coffee black but this time I decided to follow Elizabeth's example and add half and half.  I took my coffee to a nearby bench and settled in for some people watching,

Speaking of people, why don't you join me at Altered Book Lover and visit the Tea Tuesday party.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Welcome April


“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.”

 William Shakespeare