Monday, February 13, 2023

Tea Stands for Tuesday 2/14/23


For the past week we have been at the river property.  Even when it is cold I sit on the porch with my morning coffee.  Our oranges are about gone.  See the one lonely one left on the tree?  Somebody missed that one.

The fog can look quite moody out over the river.  I like it.  It cleared away early and we had some beautiful sunny days.

I have been wanting to play with recycling a handled bag for awhile.  Using it in an art project of course.  This is my first try.  Half a bag, some of my gelli printed paper and lots of scraps.  I have a Valentine that you can hang up.  Hang it on a cupboard door knob and you don't even have to pound in a nail.

Love is all you need, love, love

All you need is love

{credit to the Beatles)

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope everyone visits Elizabeth's blog  to see what is going on there.


  1. I "feel" for the orange. And I love fog. I often stopped on the way to work, parked and took pics of it...
    The bag came out great, Happy Valentine´s and T-Day (and thank you for the earworm ;-)...)

  2. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. Your bag turned out great. I like how you also used postage stamps and the dotted paper.

    I was also SO happy to see you at the river house. With all the flooding and mudslides, I was worried that this would be another home you would have to replace. Laughed at the single orange! It's a lovely view from your porch, so I can see why you would drink your morning coffee there. Thanks for sharing this lovely decorated bag and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday, Darla.

  3. Beautiful views-Loving your Valentine art-Perfect for displaying Happy T hugs Kathy

  4. It must be great to sit on your porch and enjoy the morning, even the fog is beautiful. And cold works as long as you're dressed for it. And nice bag too. That's a great reuse of a handled shopping bag. Happy T day, Happy Valentines Day also. have a great rest of your week. hugs-Erika

  5. The fog photo is atmospheric. Morning coffee overlooking that scene would be delightful :) Happy T Tuesday!

  6. Yes, very atmospheric, but I still don't like fog. It makes me feel claustrophobic. We sometimes get fog in the morning and my heart sinks when I open the blinds and I see fog.
    I like what you have done to that bag. Great!
    Happy T-Day and Valentine's Day,

  7. Sitting on your porch looks lovely! It's way too cold for that here in Michigan, even when the sun shines.

    best... mae at

  8. Beautiful way to recycle a bag Darla! Sitting on your porch by the River.. looks lovely even in Winter! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  9. Your porch looks like the perfect spot to start the day. Very cute recycled bag. Happy T Day

  10. I like your recycled bag with gelli prints on it. Happy T Day!

  11. With a view like his I would be drinking my coffee outside too! I love your beautiful bag. Happy T Day, Chrisx

  12. Very nice foggy photos. Always fun to upscale those handled bags. have a lovely day today.
