Monday, April 30, 2018

Neighborhood walk - 4/30/18

When I'm home I continue going on my morning walks.  It has been awhile since I've posted any pictures.  Winter is just not all that picturesque here.

Succulents seem to do well here.  They show up in lots of yards, especially as edging by the sidewalk.

This one with large leaves is one of my favorites.  I call those "parts" leaves but I have a feeling there is another name for them.

I like this grouping for the different shades of green and gray.

Pretty along the blue gray fence.

I'm told they are very easy to propagate with just a small pinched part from the established plant.   I admit I'm tempted but I can just see the headlines.  Grey haired lady arrested for stealing plants.  I'll just look and take photo's.


  1. Your walks are lovely. The succulents are lush and I don't think they'd be upset if you took one small sprig from the bits that are poking through the fence. We used to have hen and chickens in the dooryard flower bed. I didn't really have time to garden while we were building the house and these were volunteers from my Mom's garden. A while after they'd been here a long stemmed bit started to grow up and above the rest. It appeared to come from the same roots as the others. I asked my Mom what that was and she said, "It's a rooster!" I had no idea. LOL Thanks for sharing your walk with us.

  2. Those succulents look wonderful. I actually killed some a few years back lol.

  3. Most people will be more than willing to share one or two "leaves" for lack of a better word. It won't kill the plant, and it actually allows for new shoots to bloom from the cut/pinched area. I think that is a lovely area you walk in, and now that spring is on its way, I look forward to more of these walks.
