Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tea Stands for Tuesday 1/10/23

 il pleut et pleut

(pen and ink sketch)

Good Morning friends.  I thought perhaps the fact of our on going rain would sound better in French.  I"m certainly tired of it in any language.

That said, 

I'm going to take my umbrella and go join the Tea Party at Elixabeth's .  Hope to see you there.


  1. Darla my daughter is just as tired of the rain in CA... And that quote is exactly what i tell everyone.. LET met have my coffee.. it will be better for everyone! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  2. We've had lots of rain too, it hasn't stopped today so I'll join you under your umbrella 😊. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  3. The rain has stopped here, but the skies are still gray. I like your sketch and coffee meme :) Happy T Tuesday

  4. I have spent Christmas and New Year in the Netherlands and it rained a lot!
    I love your sketch!
    Happy T-Day,

  5. I've seen all the rain footage on the news. You are right, it sounds better in French. Happy T day Darla. I hope you haven't flooded like some of the footage I've seen.

  6. Love the coffee saying. And anything sounds better in French. Happy T Day.

  7. Haha, love this.
    Happy Belated Tea Day,

  8. We always get lots of rain where I live but with the cyclone bombs on the west coast we are getting more than ever. I love your art today. Have a wonderful day.

  9. I love your distraction technique to make the rain seem better than it is! We had no need to go out today but would have loved a walk. We kept getting optimistic as we had short spells of sunshine but before we could get ready it was raining again...and very dark! Keep on drinking coffee! Belated Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

  10. I have NO idea how I missed this, dear Darla. It was definitely an oversight on my part.

    The rain definitely sounds better and looks more impressive in French. LOVE your drawing. Thanks so much for sharing this and your French lesson with us for T this week, dear Darla. Again, I am SO sorry I missed you and your lovely art.
