Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Welcome October.

 My goodness, is it October already?  Here's a little calendar from way back that fit this year perfectly.  I'm going to use it on my phone screen.  Hope you have a lovely month.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Happy Cinco de Mayo


Today is Cinco de Mayo.  The holiday originated in Mexico but has evolved into a celebration of Mexican culture and heritage by much of the large Mexican-American community here in the Bay Area and other areas.

the glass and the paper mache clown are from trips to Mexico

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Welcome May

Here is an old calendar that works for 2024.  I could be printed out and used is some creative way.

(no source other than the web)


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Second on the 2nd - 4/2/24

 Elizabeth at Altered Book Lover encourages us to give an old post a second look .  Here is mine from the way back machine.  Some of you may remember we lost our mountain home to a wildfire.  I do have some great memories left though.  This is one of them.

TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2011

Look what I found...

... sleeping in the Iris bed.

What's there?  What am I seeing?

Oh my! Seeing these two nearly took my breath away.

We're in the mountains. I'd walked up the driveway to put the garbage out. Walking back I looked over the retaining wall to see if any iris were blooming. I didn't expect to see TWO VERY TINY FAWNS. They are so little, hardly bigger than rabbits as you can tell, the iris leaves they are hiding behind aren't really all that big.

I was able to dash in and get my camera and quickly snap two pictures. After the second "click" they bounced up and scampered off. They were too sudden and too fast for me to catch the action.

I really feel I was given a very special gift.

Have you spotted something delightful in nature recently?

Monday, April 1, 2024

Tea Stands for Tuesday 4/2/24

Good morning friends.

Spring is opening up here by the Bay and getting rid of some of the recent darkness.  Winter is never my happy time.

April is National Poetry Month.  I like poetry and have several poems saved that I think I will share this month.  It is possible I have posted some of them before.  Here is one that is at the top of my favorites list.

Alison Luterman
I stalked her
in the grocery store: her crown
of snowy braids held in place by a great silver clip,
her erect bearing, radiating tenderness,
the way she placed yogurt and avocados in her basket,
beaming peace like the North Star.
I wanted to ask "What aisle did you find
your serenity in, do you know
how to be married for fifty years, or how to live alone,
excuse me for interrupting, but you seem to possess
some knowledge that makes the earth burn and turn on its axis—"
but we don't request such things from strangers
nowadays. So I said, "I love your hair."

Be sure to visit our tea hostess at Elizabeth's blog.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Tea Stands for Tuesday 2/13/24

 Hello Tea Party friends.

I have been experimenting with various things to dye paper with.  I was pretty happy with this paper dyed using beet skins.  I think I'd like to try avocado next.  

I have a lot of catching up to do with everyone posting on Elizabeth's page.  I'll try to get around to everyone very soon  I do want to thank Elizabeth for the postcards and ATC I recently received.  It is fun to get a surprise in the mail.