Thursday, October 13, 2016

Where did Wednesday go?

I think this might become my new profile picture.  

Yesterday was a blur.  At 6:30 a.m. I drove DH to the hospital in San Francisco where he/we spent 6 hrs in the ER.  He's fine now. Well, maybe not fine but certainly ok.

I had first called the Advice Nurse and due to his symptoms and his age she urged us to go.  I was not at all surprised that she recommended the ER but oh that bit about age hit home.  Yes, I suppose we are officially "Old People" but I hate being reminded of that.  

The shingles are falling off, there is dry rot and the roof leaks.  Not much we can do about it.  

Off to get my morning coffee. 


  1. Oh, Darla, I am so sorry to hear about DH's trip to the hospital which sounds serious. ER is no place to be, and I'm glad he his home and ok. Don't you hate the 'old age' label!

  2. Sorry to hear about the trip to the ER but glad that your husband is fine.

  3. Oh dear! hope DH is doing fine now.
    I feel the photo today.....LOL! DH and I are not "sickly" people so the "old age" label is a hard one for us. Let's face it......we are all still young on the inside..*grin*

  4. So sorry to hear of this trip for Wm. Glad he's back home and hope things even out for you both. As to the old comment...I read somewhere that "old" is someone who is 15 years older than you are. That's always worked for us. LOL

  5. Darla,so sorry to hear about DH's hospital visit,glad that he is now back home,and will continue to recover his health.
    Hmmmmm, often wonder who the old woman I see in the mirror is LOL!!! Keep moving,laughing at least we are still here:).

  6. At least the steps are still functional and not falling down.

    I am sorry to read about your husband. But I'm also glad that he's back home and not in a hospital.

    I read somewhere that 34 is considered MIDLIFE. I don't feel my age, but I am past MIDLIFE! Age is a function of how old we feel, not what the calendar tells us we are.

  7. Good to hear that he is now back home! Best wishes for you!

  8. Sorry you had to make the ER visit and spend so much time there. But, glad your hubby is home and feeling better.

    In our hearts/minds we are young, but a look in the mirror and our bodies tell us differently. May we all age gracefully.


  9. Oh, no! Glad he's back home and I hope things can be made right!

  10. Hospitals are always scary. Glad the hubby is going to be okay. It is a shock when you realize you're classified in the senior category. Sneaks up on you when you feel just the same inside as you always did. This too shall pass. *hugs* :)

  11. Sending good thoughts and warm virtual hugs!! xo

  12. Holy smokes. Thinking of you and yours.

    As for the photo, gotta confess--love it.

  13. Glad to he y'all are home and better. ER is not the place any of us want to have to be :(
